Indian Oil Sports Scholarship 2015

Sports needs to be promoted in Indian schools and colleges in a big way – for better health of Indians and not just for clinching more medals at the Olympic games!

The Indian Oil Sports Scholarships is aimed at providing young and talented sports players in India with the necessary financial support and training they need in order to get to the top of their game. From this talent pool, the sport appointees to the Corporation will also get selected.

There are two kinds of scholarships offered for young sports persons – ‘Scholars’ and ‘Elite Scholars’:

The players representing the country in team games and holding a national rank within the top 5 in either sub-junior or junior group and are either finalists or semi-finalists for a National game in the championships, are to be adjudged under the ‘Elite Scholar’ scheme.

The players representing their respective states in team games, holding a rank within the top 15 in either sub-junior or junior group and/or are the quarter-finalists for a National game in the championships, are to be adjudged under the ‘Scholar’ scheme.

This scholarship will be provided for the following sports:

indian oil sports scholarships


Type of game - Team
No: of scholarships - 12


Type of game - Team
No: of scholarships - 12


Type of game - Team
No: of scholarships - 7


Type of game - Team
No: of scholarships - 7


Type of game - Team
No: of scholarships - 4


Type of game - Team
No: of scholarships - 4


Type of game - Individual
No: of scholarships - 5

Billiards & Snooker

Type of game - Individual
No: of scholarships - 3


Type of game - Individual
No: of scholarships - 4


Type of game - Individual
No: of scholarships - 2


Type of game - Individual
No: of scholarships - 9


Type of game - Individual
No: of scholarships - 5


Type of game - Individual
No: of scholarships - 7


Type of game - Individual
No: of scholarships - 7


Type of game - Individual
No: of scholarships - 5


Type of game - Individual
No: of scholarships - 4


Type of game - Individual
No: of scholarships - 7


Type of game - Individual
No: of scholarships - 7

Table Tennis

Type of game - Individual
No: of scholarships - 10


Type of game - Individual
No: of scholarships - 19

Total - 140

About scholarship

The duration of scholarship is for 3 years. After the first year ends, performance of the candidate will be reviewed, and then only will it continue for the 2nd year. After the completion of the 2nd year, the performance of the candidate for each month of the 2nd year will be reviewed before renewing the scholarship for the 3rd and final year

As aforementioned, the scholarship is categorically imparted as “scholar” and “elite scholar”. The “Scholar” gets stipends each year for the amounts Rs.9000, Rs.10,000 and Rs.11,000 respectively, whereas the “Elite Scholar” receives Rs.12,000, Rs.13,000 and Rs.14,000 respectively.

Eligibility Criteria

Age: The candidate’s age should be more than 14 years and less than 19 years as of 15th June, 2015.


Elite Scholar -The candidate should be representing the country in either junior or senior level and should rank within the top 5 in juniors/sub-juniors category or be a semi-finalist/finalist in a National Championship.

Scholar– The candidate should be representing their own state team at either the junior or senior level and should rank within the top 15 juniors/sub-juniors or be a semi-finalist/finalist in a national championship.

Important dates

The application should be submitted to the address mentioned below, before 15 June, 2015.

Application procedure

The application form is available for download in the form of a PDF document here. After downloading, the candidates require filling up the application in the prescribed format with every column properly filled and they also need to affix a passport size photograph in the given space.


  • Those who receive the scholarship won’t be able to draw any other scholarships or financial aid of any kind for their sporting activities.
  • IOC is not obliged to employ the sports scholars.
  • The birth certificates of the candidates will be verified by the IOC’s designated offices. The candidates will be duly informed and should reach the designated offices on the given date with their own expenses.


Shri Mandar Phadke

Manager (ADMIN)

IndianOil Corporation LTD.

G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg,

Bandra (East),

Mumbai – 400051

Ph. No. – 022-26447214

Email –

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