Below are the steps in parenting that every parent should keep in mind. If you see any of these symptoms of stress, take them seriously. They indicate that your child is experiencing changes and challenges which are beyond his coping ability. He likely is unable to verbalize the pressure he feels, so it’s up to you to help him cope with the stressors.
Parents can help children feel confident and capable, as well as provide escape valves for stress buildup. Children can bounce back from stressful situations. They just need guidance and instruction in coping skills. Below is a list of ways you can help your child.
Do not hesitate to seek counseling from a qualified professional, especially if the symptoms are prolonged or numerous.
Teenagers, like adults, may experience stress everyday and can benefit from learning stress management skills. Most teens experience more stress when they perceive a situation as dangerous, difficult, or painful and they do not have the resources to cope. Some sources of stress for teens might include:
Some teens become overloaded with stress. When it happens, inadequately managed stress can lead to anxiety, withdrawal, aggression, physical illness, or poor coping skills such as illicit drug use.
When we perceive a situation as difficult or painful, changes occur in our minds and bodies to prepare us to respond to danger. This “fight, flight, or freeze” response includes, faster heartbeat and breathing rate, increased blood to muscles of arms and legs, cold or clammy hands and feet, upset stomach and/or a sense of dread.
The same mechanism that turns on the stress response can turn it off. As soon as we decide that, a situation is no longer dangerous, changes can occur in our minds and bodies to help us relax and calm down. This “relaxation response” includes decreased heart and breathing rate and a sense of well being. Teens that develop a “relaxation response” and other stress management skills feel less helpless and have more choices when responding to stress.
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