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Sleep & 7 other things we lose during board exams!

With the board exams round the corner, the mercury levels have started shooting north! And it’s not just the weather we are talking about, the exam fever is also setting temperatures soaring in most parts of the country! 

The exam stress build-ups almost a year prior to the actual boards. Any 10th or 12th grader will vouch for all the extra attention they start getting from teachers and parents right from the previous summer vacations and the preparation is no less than a warrior going to war. This war results in many casualties in the form of numerous sacrifices that we have to make in an attempt to do well in the exams. So kiss goodbye to these things during the board exam season:

Casualty #1 - Bye bye summer vacation

The first casualty of being a class 10 or 12 student or being the parent of one is the annual summer vacation. Forget trips to your home-town or a hill-station – the summer vacation of class 10/ 12 is all about tuition and coaching. Parents first succumb to the panic attack and they waste no time in transferring this to their children which results in casualty #2.


summer vacation tuition

Casualty #2 - Sound Sleep

Once the panic attack sets in, parents develop expertise in driving their kids up the wall! The alarms go off at unearthly hours like 4 am on a Sunday, the coffee and tea bills of the household go up, no one is really sure whether we’ve got into the study mode or are sleep-walking through the day, but one thing is for sure – the bed is not for us.

(Also read: 6 Yoga Practices to help you Score Well in Board Exams)

board exams no sleepImage courtesy:

Casualty #3 - Television & Internet

Realizing that his kid has not yet gone into the combat mode (as we continue to while away time in front of the TV and internet,) our dad is left with no option but to disconnect the cable and change the Wi-Fi password till the boards are over.

no tv no internet board exams

Casualty #4 - That relaxed feeling

There is a sudden hush in the household (no TV, remember?), your parents don’t talk talk to each other – they only whisper lest they disturb you and finally it sinks in – just around the time when the board exam time-table is out. And then realization dawns. You break into a cold sweat (in winters!); begin palpitating and then start STUDYING!

(Also read: 10 Board Exam hacks that will definitely help you pass!)

board exams lose calm
Image courtesy:

Casualty #5 - Finger Nails

As you finally get into study mode, you know you have studied, but can’t remember the steps to solve the problem, you don’t have the time, so anger and frustration drive you crazy – you realize that you can’t stop chewing off your finger nails and at times even your fingers!

board exams nail bitingImage courtesy:

Casualty #6 - Personal appearance & hygiene

Stressed-out moms in a bid to keep us satiated and “well-fed” as we study, bribe us with our favourite fizzy drinks, fried savouries and other junk. The months leading up to the board exams sees us going from fit to fat as we sit cooped up in our rooms, attacking sample papers and “guides.” There’s no time for haircuts, shopping and trips to the parlour – designers be damned, looking unkempt and nerdy is in!

eating junk board exam

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Casualty #7 - Common Sense

Pictures of multiple gods, in all shapes and sizes begin to adorn our rooms and study-tables. Our “protection gear” includes rings blessed by “gurujis”, bracelets from “babas”, holy threads, amulets, tikas and all possible symbols that make a mockery of common sense and rationality. Pass by a temple, church or mosque and we’ll find ourselves prostrating before the deities. The pencil boxes will have more spiritual paraphernalia than pens and pencils. The funniest part is that this spirituality is seasonal – it peaks around January – February and cools off after the results have been published!

board exam praying to gods

But all these sacrifices seem worth it once you experience the sweet relief of knowing that they are OVER!

relief after board exams


Are YOU also appearing for your board exams. What have you sacrificed? Let us know!

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