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Student Accommodation in France

Following are the lodging facilities for students in France:

    • Allocation de Logement Social
      All foreign students can benefit from an Allocation de Logement Social (Social Lodging Grant).
      Information on the link to CAF site.
    • The CROUS
      The CROUS association manages 11 university residences located in the heart of Paris and it can help you get information from its Accommodation Service from Monday to Friday, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
      Service du Logement,
      39 avenue Georges Bernanos Paris 5e.
      Tel.:+ 33 1 40 51 55 55.

    • Logement en Ville
      “Logement en Ville” (Accommodation in Town) is open all year long. It is open from Monday to Friday, from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. It can give you a list of private one-room flats or rooms.
    • Agence Départementale pour l’Information sur le Logement (ADIL)
      If you have any problems with your landlord or need any types of related information, contact the services of the Agence Départementale pour l’Information sur le Logement (ADIL) (Departmental Agency for Information on Accommodation).
      Tel:+ 33 1 42 79 50 50.
    • The International Campus of Paris
      This university campus in Paris offers 5,000 lodgings, for foreign students. You can download your accommodation request at (link to CIUP site), and find out about its famous Relais Social International (International Social Relay) in the section”Etudiantsétrangers” (Foreign students).However, only students at graduate or higher level can be accepted.
      La Cité Internationale,
      19 bvd Jourdan, (14e),
      Tel.:+ 33 1 44 16 64 00.

Other organizations and associations


  • The American Church, Paris
    It can give you an up to-date list of advertisements for accommodation and temporary jobs.
    65 quai d’Orsay Paris 7e,
    Tel.:+ 33 1 40 62 05 00.
  • Association pour le développementéconomique du logementétudiant
    (Association for the economic development of student lodging).
    13, rue de Washington,(8e)
    Tel:+ 33 1 42 89 36 04.
  • Le réseau Office de Services Etudiants (OSE) Point Logement
    (Student Service Agency network (OSE) Lodging Kiosk).
    11-13, rue Serpente, (6e)
    Tel. + 33 1 55 42 80 80.
  • Auberge pour jeunes de l’Association desétudiants protestants de Paris
    (Hostel for youth of the Protestant student association in Paris).
    46, rue de Vaugirard, (6e)
    Tel. + 33 1 43 54 31 49.
  • Centre International de Séjour de Paris
    (Paris Residency International Center)
    7 bvd Kellermann Paris13
    Tel.: 01 44 16 37 38.
    Or, 6, avenue Maurice Ravel, (12e)
    Tel.: + 33 1 44 75 60 00.
  • Maison des clubs Unesco
    (House of Unesco clubs)
    43, rue de la Glacière, (13e)
    Tel.:+ 33 1 43 36 00 63.

  • Union nationale des maisons d’étudiants
    (National union of student houses)
    2, rue de la Roquette,(11e)
    Tel.:+ 33 1 48 05 73 62
    Information on the llink to UNME site.
  • The Alliance Française of Paris
    It offers a computerized service with advertisements to locate an accommodation. Their office is open on very day except Saturday, Sunday and holidays, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
    101, bvd Raspail (6e)
    Tel.:01 42 84 90 00.
  • L’accueil familial des jeunesétrangères
    (Family hostel for young female students)
    23, rue du Cherche Midi, (6e)
    Tel. + 33 1 42 22 50 34.

Please note that you can also call the Youth hostel services of Paris (Auberges de jeunesse de Paris).

Information on the link to the Youth Hostel Organisation site.

  1. Jules Ferry, 8, bvd Jules Ferry,(11e)
    Tel.:+ 33 1 43 57 55 60.
  2. Le D’Artagnan, 80 rue de Vitruve, (20e),
    Tel.:+ 33 1 40 32 34 56.
  3. Clichy, 107 rue Martre, 92110 Clichy,
    Cité des Sciences, 24 rue des sept Arpents, 93310
    Le Pré Saint-Gervais
    Tel.:+ 33 1 48 43 24 11
    Metro line 5 Hoche.

Obtaining Residency Permit for staying In France


Any stay in French territory for a period of more than three months is considered as residency. To become a resident of France one needs a residency permit. Residency permit must be obtained within one month following arrival in France. All international students must obtain such a permit, even those who are entitled to reside in France without a visa. Residency permit is required in order to obtain housing assistance too.

Following Documents are Mandatory for Obtaining Residency Permit:

  • Proof of your social security coverage
  • A health check-up form
  • A self addressed stamped envelope
  • 3 recent passport photos
  • Proof of registration with a university
  • A passport or ID card for members of the European Union
  • Proof of sufficient financial resources
  • A certificate of lodging in Paris or proof of your domicile
  • Add the form intended for the O.M.I. (Office des Migrations Internationales, Office of International Migration), if this is your first request.

Kindly note that if a document is not in French, you should provide a certified French translation. Once all the documents are submitted, an application receipt will be given acknowledging for a resident’s permit. This serves as the document legalizing the temporary stay in France until the permit get through (or not).

The whole process takes between a week to a few months. A residency permit also gives the right to residency for your spouse and children (when minors).

The address where you are required to send the documents is given below:
The Préfecture of Police of Paris,
114-116, av. du Maine (14e)
Timings:Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday: from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Types of residency permit



  1. Temporary residency permits:
    International students who want to study in France for a period of more than 3 months, must visit the préfecture (or government center) for their area to obtain a temporary residency permit showing their student status. The temporary residency permit is valid until the expiration date of the applicant’s passport or until the date of completion of the applicant’s academic program, whichever comes first. The permit must be renewed annually. A temporary residence permit (Carte de séjour temporaire, CST) authorizes residency in France for the indicated period of a maximum of one year and is renewable.
  2.  Permanent resident permit:
    A permanent residence permit (Carte de résident, CR) allows you to live permanently in France. Permits are valid for ten years and are renewable. You can apply for this permit after living in France for three years. For this you have to prove your financially self-sufficiency by providing previous three years’ tax payments and current employment contract. You can also obtain this permit under other conditions, i.e. if you are spouse of a French national.
  3. Provisional stay permit:
    A provisional stay permit (authorisation provisoire de séjour, APS) is for foreigners not legally entitled to remain on French territory, for instance, with an expired visa or permit) who cannot leave for medical, humanitarian or professional reasons. It is valid for at least one month; it is renewable and can allow you to get a temporary work permit (APT).

Key Things to Know About Renting a House:

  • With any rental, you will have to sign a lease, generally for one year. If you move out before the end of the rental period, you will have to provide three months’ advance notice. If you do not give the necessary advance notice, the owner can keep all or part of your security deposit.
  • You will usually have to pay a security deposit equivalent to one month’s rent when you sign a rental agreement. It will be returned to you when you move out, unless you have left the house in poor condition or have not fulfilled the advance notice requirement.
  • Whether a owner is a private party or an institution, you will be required to have a guarantor who is an individual (friend or family member) or a legal entity (organization, association, etc.) which undertakes in writing to pay the rent in the event that you fail to do so. The guarantor must be a French resident or, for CROUS residences, an EU resident and must be able to provide proof of income equal to three, or perhaps even four times the rental amount. If you cannot provide a guarantor, you must be able to prove that you meet the same income requirement yourself or you must pay the entire annual rent in advance. In some university centers, students may be able to receive a guarantee from an educational institution, bank or local government entity.
  • You are required to take a comprehensive housing insurance policy covering the risks of fire, water damage, theft, and the like.
  • Foreign students who rent housing have the same right to financial assistance as French students. Payments are made by local family assistance funds (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales, or CAF) ( Your educational institution or the local office for international students will be able to help you apply to the local CAF for this financial.

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