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Important Addresses in France

French Embassy in India

2/50-E Shantipath
New Delhi 110 021
Tel : 91 (11) 4319 6100
Fax: 91 (11) 4319 6119
Email: [email protected]

Indian Embassy in France

15, rue Alfred Dehodencq
75016 – Paris, France
Tel.:00 33 1 40 50 70 70
Fax:00 33 1 40 50 09 96



Consulate General of France, Mumbai

Datta Prasad Building, 2nd Floor,
10, Nowroji Gamadia Cross Road,
Mumbai- 400 026
Tel:022-4950918, 4952289, 4938002

Consulate General of France, Pondicherry

Rue de la Marine, Pondicherry – 605001
Tel:0413-334174, 334058, 335388

Principal National Bodies

Authorities responsible for dealing with international cooperation and exchanges in higher education are, Direction des Relations internationales et de la Coopération, and Ministère de l’Education nationale.

Head: Marc Foucault, Directeur des Relations internationales et de la Coopération

110 rue de Grenelle
75357 Paris
Tel:+33(1) 55551010
Email:[email protected]

Alliance Francaise de Delhi

72 Lodi Estate,New Delhi-03
Téléphone: (00 91 11) 43 500 200
Téléfax: (00 91 11) 43 500 228 / 43 500 229
Email: [email protected]

French Information Resource Centre

2, Aurangzeb Road,
New Delhi 110011, India
Tel:(91-11) 23015631 / 23014682
Fax:(91-11) 23793892
Email:[email protected]

Related Links

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