Since 2007, the Dr. Manmohan Singh Scholarships have been enabling Indian students that have been performing brilliantly in academics to go abroad and study in St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, UK for doctoral degrees in subjects like Science & Technology (applications in Aerospace Engineering and Energy Studies are specially welcome), Economics and Social Sciences.
The prospective candidates should clear the following eligibility criteria:
The applicants must:
You must apply for the scholarship on the prescribed format by 15 January, 2017 and submit it to the British Council. Click here to download the 2017 application form.
Interview (in Delhi) of short listed candidates: April, 2017 (Candidates must make their own travel and stay arrangements)
The British Council will acknowledge receipt of applications through the emails provided on the application form. Therefore you must provide your latest and accurate email ID. The British Council will not be responsible for failure in delivery of e-mail.
The British Council will contact only the short-listed candidates to invite them for interviews. You must not contact the British Council office directly. Â