Psychology is the study of human behavior and mental processes. Psychologists study a person’s reactions, emotions, and behavior, and apply their understanding of that behavior to treat the associated behavioral problems. Treatment is focused on therapy and counseling, rather than prescribing medications for a “quick fix.” Psychologists are, therefore, responsible for identifying psychological, emotional, and/or behavioral issues, as well as diagnosing any specific disorders, by using information gleaned from patient interviews, patient’s tests and records, and medical reference materials. career in psychology in India to come up with an individualized treatment plan for each patient, and to modify it as necessary over time (depending on the patient’s progress).
(Read More: Difference Between Psychologist and Psychiatrist)
The qualification required to start career in psychology in India in 2023 to become a licensed psychologist are:
Career in psychology in India the postgraduate and doctoral programs focus their studies more on research, which is great for pursuing either a research or teaching job, whereas the graduate degrees (Bachelors) emphasize practice, such as counseling. In order to practice Counseling Psychology, you only need to have a BA/BS in Psychology, or in a related field (like Education or Social Work). Graduate (Bachelors) degree programs are 3 years long, Postgraduate (Masters) degree programs are 2 years long, and Doctoral (MPhil or PhD) programs are 2 years long (can extend depending on research and studies involved). To know psychology syllabus click here
In order to be successful career in psychology in India, one must have:
Psychology scope in India has a bright future, career in psychology in India with a growing demand for psychologists in a variety of settings.
Aspirants who have successfully completed their training in psychology can make their mark and pursue a career as a psychologist in India psychology career options in India is the following lucrative branches of psychology. Here are some career options in psychology in India.
Clinical psychologists assess and treat people with psychological problems. They may act as therapists for people who are experiencing normal psychological crises (e.g., grief) or for individuals suffering from chronic psychiatric disorders. Some clinical psychologists are generalists who work with a wide variety of populations, while others work with specific groups such as children, the elderly, or those with specific disorders.
Counseling psychologists do many of the same things that clinical psychologists do. However, counseling psychologists tend to focus more on persons with adjustment problems rather than on persons suffering from severe psychological disorders. They may be trained in psychology departments or in education departments. Counseling psychologists are employed in academic settings, college counseling centers, community mental health centers.
Health psychologists are concerned with psychology’s contributions to the promotion and maintenance of good health and the prevention and treatment of illness. They may design and conduct programs to help individuals stop smoking, lose weight, shed alcoholism, manage stress, and stay physically fit. They are employed in hospitals, medical schools, rehabilitation centers, public health agencies, academic settings, and private practice.
If you’re interested in teaching undergraduate, master’s-level, or doctoral-level students, you will probably work in a university setting, where you will probably also do research. If an individual is not interested in teaching and wants to focus on research, he/she can work for government agencies (for example, the Center for Disease Control) or for private research organizations. To work as a psychologist in these settings, one would need a Ph.D. in psychology.
I/O psychologists (as they are usually called) are concerned with the relationships between people and their work environments. They may develop new ways to increase workplace productivity or be involved in personnel selection. They are employed in business, government agencies, factories, industrial set-ups, corporate houses, and academic establishments.
Sports psychologists are concerned with the psychological factors that improve athletic performance. They also look at the effects of exercise and physical activity on psychological adjustment and health. Sports psychologists typically work in academic settings and/or as consultants for sports teams.
Jain University, Bangalore & Amity School of Physical Education & Sports Sciences offers a Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Psychology
Graduate programs in agency or community counseling train you to provide counseling services in human service agencies in the local community–for example, in community mental health centers. They may also train you to administer a limited number of psychological tests (vocational interest tests, for example).
The work is similar to that done by a person with a master’s or doctoral degree in clinical or counseling psychology, psychotherapy, and, perhaps, limited psychological testing.
Educational psychologists attempt to understand the basic aspects of human learning and to develop materials and strategies for enhancing the learning process. For example, an educational psychologist might study reading and then develop a new technique for teaching reading. Educational psychologists are typically trained in departments of education (known as departments of psychology) and employed in colleges and universities.
School counselors work with children who are troubled, helping such children function more effectively with their peers and teachers, deal with family problems, etc. They work at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
School psychologists do a lot of testing–mostly of children who are encountering difficulties in school–to try to diagnose the problem and, sometimes, to suggest ways of dealing with the problem. School psychologists are typically trained in departments of education (vs. departments of psychology) and work in public school systems.
Another career option to consider if you’re interested in counseling is social work. As is true with other disciplines, there are a variety of allied fields in social work. Social workers who practice psychotherapy are usually called either clinical social workers or psychiatric social workers. Clinical social workers are trained to diagnose and treat psychological problems. Psychiatric social workers provide services to individuals, married couples, families, and small groups. They work in mental health centers, counseling centers, sheltered workshops, hospitals, and schools. They may also have their own private practice
Psychology careers in India is is a highly rewarding and lucrative field of study. Scope for psychology in India is very broad a psychologist salary depends on many factors like his/her qualification, area of specialization, and experience in the profession. Professional psychologists with M.Phil and Ph.D degree earn quite handsomely. career in psychology in India in private practice have more scope for earnings.
career in psychology in India , your starting salary can vary between INR 1.79 LPA to INR 6.23 LPA. As one establishes himself in the field and specializes in any of its branches, he can earn more.
Also read: (How to manage your finances as a student?)
You can have a look at some of the high-paying job profiles mentioned in the table below:
Job Profiles | Average Annual Salary (in INR) |
Clinical Psychologist | 8 lakh |
Consultant | 7 lakh |
Psychotherapists | 4 lakh |
Therapist | 3 lakh |
Practitioner | 2.8 lakh |
Counsellor | 2 lakh |
Social Worker | 2 lakh |
Psychiatrist | 1.1 lakh |
University of Delhi
University Road, Delhi 110 007
Phone South Campus: 011-24119832
Phone North Campus: 011-2766709, 27667011, 27667190
Fax: 011-27667049
Gargi College
Vivekananda College
Sri Venkateswara College
Zakir Husain Delhi College
IIPR office: 080 41307111
Office of Admission: +91 7022619130
Integrated Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology
University of Rajasthan
JLN Marg,
Jaipur 302004,Rajasthan
Phone: 91-141-2711070
Fax: 91-141-2711799
Phone: +91-44-28178200
Fax: +91-44-28175566
Jamia Millia University
Jamia Nagar, New Delhi
Tel: 26984650, 26985180
Fax: 011-26981232
University of Mumbai
M.G. Road, Fort
Mumbai – 400 032, Maharashtra,
Phone: 22 – 2652825
Fax: 22 – 2652832
University of Calcutta
Senate House,
87 /1 College Street,
Kolkata-700 073, West Bengal
Tel: 033 22410071(O) 24106741(R)
Fax: 22413222
Guru Nanak Dev University
Amritsar – 143 005, Punjab
Tel:2450601-14 (14 lines)
Fax: 0183-2258819, 2258820
The scope of psychology in india is bright. The field is growing rapidly, and there is a growing demand for psychologists in a variety of settings.
Here are some of the factors that are driving the growth of psychology in India:
As the field of psychology continues to grow, there will be a growing demand for psychologists with a variety of skills. Some of the most in-demand skills in psychology include:
A psychologist is a mental health professional who uses psychological evaluations and talk therapy to help people learn to better cope with life and relationship issues and mental health conditions.
Yes, a student from any stream can apply for a BA in Psychology.
Candidates are required to have the following skills:
To become a psychologist, you will need to complete a bachelor’s degree in psychology, followed by a master’s degree and/or Ph.D. in psychology. You will also need to complete an internship or residency, and pass the licensing exam.
Psychology is a good career in India. The field is growing rapidly, and there is a growing demand for psychologists
To become a psychologist in India, you will need to complete the following steps: Earn a bachelor’s degree in psychology, Gain experience, Earn,a master’s degree in psychology, Earn a Ph.D. in psychology
There are many great psychology professors in India, but here are a few of the most highly-regarded:
Dr. Ajit Dandekar , Dr. Prerna Kohli, Dr. Kamna Chhibber,
Here are the steps on how to study psychology in India:
Here are some tips on how to make a career in psychology in a very short answer:
The educational requirements for a career in psychology in India vary depending on the specific career path you choose. However, most employers require a bachelor’s degree in psychology as a minimum requirement. Some employers may also require a master’s degree or Ph.D. in psychology.
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