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CBSE Class 12 Political Science Preparation Tips, Topics, Notes

political science

Political science is the analysis, description, and prediction of political behavior, political systems and politics. Political scientists “see themselves engaged in revealing the relationships underlying political events and conditions. And from these revelations they attempt to construct general principles about the way the world of politics works.

Also see: CBSE Class 10th results, CBSE Class 12th results

Some Important topics for CBSE Class 12 Political Science Exam

  • US Dominance in World Politics
  • Alternative centres of Economic and Political Power
  • South Asia in the Post-Cold War Era
  • Regional aspirations and conflicts
  • Rise of New Social Movements
  • Recent Developments in Indian Politics

CBSE Class 12 Political Science: Preparation Tips

  • How to study for political science.
    • Keep yourself updated with the current happenings.
    • Have debates and discussions with friends over various topics and try to understand someone else’s point of view.
    • Try to relate the events with their consequences and even with the circumstances that lead to those events. For example, try to find the reasons behind cold ware, what happened during the cold war and how did it impact the world.
    • Before attending a class, try to skim the chapter so as to have an idea of what are the concepts to be learnt in that chapter.
    • Take notes as soon as your teacher starts covering the first chapter. Take notes in every class and study these notes daily. All you have to do is read the notes if you do this everyday. Go back and read the chapters for the upcoming political science class.
    • Think about what you read and ask questions of yourself.
    • Ensure that you understand all the terms in bold. Most of these terms would be recurring concepts throughout the course

NCERT Preparation Books

  • Contemporary World Politics
  • Political Science II

To know about which books to follow for CBSE Class 12 Political Science, Click Here

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