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CBSE Result 2016 is our dedicated website for covering the examination results of all School Boards of Education, Central & State Universities and all entrance examinations conducted in India at the undergraduate and postgraduate level such as Medical, Engineering, MBA entrance examination, UPSC etc.

It has been in operation for the past the seven years and is currently India’s No.1 Examination Results Portal.

We take utmost care in publishing the examination results through its portals.

CBSE Std 10th and 12th Results 2016:

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) declares its class 10 and class 12 results in the month of May every year. This year the class 10 results were published on 28 May, 2016 and class 12 results were declared on 21 May, 2016.

For accessing the CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 Board Examinations Results 2016, click on the following links

We wish all students, Best of Luck!

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