An Expert Decoded The Essay Paper In The UPSC Mains 2022 Exam

An expert decoded the essay paper in the UPSC Mains 2022 exam. 1

The first day of the offline mode for the UPSC Mains exam for civil services aspirants across various exam centers in India went smoothly. In comparison to last year, this year’s essay paper for UPSC Mains was much more conventional in topic and approach. While last year’s paper was more focused on the English language and abstraction, this year’s topics were more expected and straightforward. For example, ‘The best time to fix your roof is while the sun is shining is a quote that many people are familiar with. This would have given the young writers some good ideas to work with, and they would have been able to write essays that would score well.

Similarly, many students would have thought on the lines of — use of best case studies for economic excellence, talking about efficient use of resources, beating scarcity, interdependence, sustainability, etc. — while preparing for the exam in detail. Another topic was a quote by Narayan Murthy, founder of Infosys, ‘A ship is safest at the harbor, but that is not where it is supposed to be.’

Heraclitus was onto something when he said, “No man ever steps in the same river twice.” The idea that change is the only constant is a relevant one when discussing entrepreneurship, taking risks, and overcoming challenges. These are all topics that students have been contemplating during their preparation for this class. The ancient Greek philosopher was saying that everything is in a state of flux and that nothing is permanent. This is a relevant concept when discussing entrepreneurship because it is all about taking risks and overcoming challenges. These topics have been on the minds of students as they prepare for this class.

History can be seen as the advance of science or romanticism. Romanticism is like being a tourist, visiting places, and being superficial, not getting in-depth about it, whereas science is an art, a collective effort. Science triumphs over romance as it is about catching the material reality, the bull by a horn. Science has been prevailing.

For the candidates who like to explore more behavioral or interpersonal topics, they could pick – ‘Smile is the best device, is often the device that hides ambiguities.’ In this topic, we can dissect smiles and the variety of smiles we see in our everyday lives.


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