On the second day of the UPSC Main exam, there were two general studies papers. General Studies Paper 2 was on Indian Polity, International Relations, and Social Justice.
Most of the questions on Paper 2 were related to recent developments and news. For example, the question about the Vice President being the ex-official chairperson of Rajya Sabha. Then there were two questions about elections, one about settling election disputes and the other about a model code of conduct.
The three questions on International Relations were also expected as one of them was on India-Srilanka relations, related to how India bailed out Srilanka in the recent economic crisis. The other conference was for BIMSTEC and the other was for I2U2, which was to be expected since the meeting took place around the time when the papers were being set.
There were also questions about inflation and unemployment, and how they hurt the vulnerable sections of society. Another topic that came up was the national commission on backward classes, which received constitutional status a few years back. The question about the Indian president and French president elected recently was interesting because the French president was also elected recently around the time the Indian president was elected, sometime in July, and as per the books, there is some similarities between the two.