IIT Gandhinagar is all set to host the Virtual JEE Openhouse which can be attended by students and parents from all over the world and would help get firsthand guidance related to undergraduate courses in IITs.
An online virtual JEE open house is being organized by IIT Gandhinagar on 15th September at 6pm. The main intention of this virtual interactive programme is to equip JEE advanced qualified students and their parents with different engineering programmes at IITs, career opportunities and an understanding of the IIT system which will help them make better choices.
The event which will include sessions with Deans of Academic and Student Affairs, Head of Counseling, Coordinator of Student Wellbeing Initiatives, current students and Alumni can be attended by students and parents worldwide through the website https://iitgn.ac.in/openhouse/ . A session with Prof. Amit Prashant, Director IITGN is also on cards.
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Prof. Nithin George, Dean of Academic affairs said that the students might have questions such as “Which branch is best aligned to my interests?”, “What are the possibilities of pursuing my interests even if I do not get admission to a branch of my choice?” and the openhouse intends to address such questions, propose suggestions so that students and parents get clarity.
Through the session, students and parents will also get a glimpse of IIT Gandhinagar’s values and culture, Innovative curriculum, double major and double degree programmes, liberal policy for branch change, scholarships and financial aid, research and internship opportunities and more such student centric initiatives.