Applications are being invited by the Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Minorities, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, from all eligible Scheduled Caste (SC) students who are in Class IX and Class X (2014 – 2015) in government schools and schools recognised by the government like Central Board and State board of Secondary Education, for carrying on with their studies.
This program is a pre-matric scholarship scheme that meritorious students from backwards castes that do not have enough financial ability to continue studies. For SC students of class IX the scholarship amount is Rs. 150 per month for tuition fees and for books and ad hoc Rs. 750 per annum. Similarly for Class X students the amount of scholarship for tuition fees is Rs. 350 per month and for books and ad hoc grant Rs. 1,000 per annum.
available at the official website.
31 October, 2016
“Scholarship Scheme for SC Students for the Financial Year 2013-14,” Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Minorities