Reportedly, there are concentration problems in students when it comes to their studies. Most of these students blame outside distractions for their problems.
Many research studies about “manipulating noise levels and distractions? have found that such disturbances may increase, decrease, or not even affect concentration.
These researchers have therefore concluded that distracters don’t cause concentration problems directly. It is the way the distracters are interpreted by the students that disrupts their study.
We can divide strategies for improving concentration into two categories. Each category can include things like improving study environment, following a study routine and developing realistic goals.
Divide your work into small, short-range goals.Â
Study time is wasted by distractions, be it talking to friends, playing computer games or watching TV. Think about your last study period. How long did you try to study (time from beginning to end) and how much of that time was actually spent studying? If there is a big discrepancy in your response to these two questions, you may wish to explore another study location with fewer distractions. The result may be that it actually takes you less time to accomplish the same amount of work because you are able to stay focused in that environment more easily. Another source of distractions may be personal concerns, which can be more difficult to control. If you find that this is your greatest study distraction, you may wish to talk with a counselor on your campus to try to find ways to reduce or resolve your personal concerns. Conditions (i.e. chair, desk/table, lighting, and temperature) are conducive to studying. The chair used for studying should be comfortable enough that you can sit for 45 – 50 minutes at a time. Sitting at a desk or table that provides adequate space for your materials to be spread out is important. The lighting in the room should not cause eye strain and the temperature should be comfortably cool.
Click on the links in the box below for a complete guide on Stress Management.
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