In the present day scenario, establishing an office and maintaining it is an art in itself. A sense of professionalism is required in running an office and managing it efficiently. This is where the office administrators and managers step in.
These office administrators are professionally trained in various aspects of modern day office management. They make use of scientific ways of running and supervising the office’s operations. Their professional expertise results in an increased productivity and overall efficiency for the whole organization.
Office management Executives conduct special studies concerning organizational plans and develop reports based on the results.
They also provide input to management on the development of policies and procedures. Click here to read Top MBA Streams and Specializations
Modern office management administrators are also responsible for drafting correspondence for management and scheduling appointments, etc.
Various key activities undertaken by a modern office management professional include: Using latest technology in the office including the use of personal computers; word processing, spreadsheet, payrolls, and desktop publishing software; and making use of the web and so on. Also check career in hotel management
The salary for an office management certificate salary holder varies depending on the specific role, experience, and location. However, according to PayScale, the average salary for an office management certificate holder in India is ₹23,411 per month. Human resource management top courses and colleges
Here are some of the best office management courses in India 2023:
The eligibility criteria for modern office management courses in India vary from institute to institute. However, some common eligibility criteria include:
Administrative assistants: Graduates will be prepared to move into such positions as secretary, executive secretary, administrative assistant, executive assistant, professional assistant, sales assistant, marketing management assistant and research assistant. These office management course jobs involve a wide variety of tasks and assume varying degrees of responsibility depending on market needs, the needs of the firm, experience, skills, education level and personal initiative. With experience and ongoing learning, graduates may obtain work of a supervisory or managerial nature.
Accounting Assistants: Graduates may expect to find employment in a diverse range of businesses from proprietorships to large corporations as bookkeepers, data entry clerks or accounting clerks with accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory, payroll, banking and computer-related duties.
Generally after completing the diploma or the bachelor’s course, graduates may start their careers with salaries somewhere between Rs.7,000 and Rs.10,000 per month.
Contact Information
Admn. Block, JNU (Old) Campus,
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110 067,
Phone : 011-26164182, 011-26104183
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Khandwa M.P (An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rajeev Gandhi Technical University, MP)
Contact Information
M.J.P. Govt.Polytechnic College,
Jawar Road, Khandwa
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Phone : 91-733-2248213, 2248223
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Email : [email protected]
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Bhopal 462 036
Phone : 91 755 2678890-91
Fax : 91 755 2742002
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University of Rajasthan JLN Marg, Jaipur 302004
Rajasthan, India
Phone : 91-141-2711070
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University of Mumbai
M.G. Road, Fort
Mumbai – 400 032 Maharashtra, Pin: 400032
Phone : 22 – 2652825
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Contact Information
University of Calcutta
Senate House, 87 /1 College Street,
Kolkata-700 073, West Bengal
Phone : 033 22410071(O) 24106741(R)
E-Mail : [email protected]
Fax : 22413222
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Contact Information
Government Polytechnic,
Altinho, Panaji-Goa 403001
Phone : 2432667, 2225973, 2424859
Fax : 2432667
E-Mail : [email protected]
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For your reference we are giving you a state-wise list of management institutes in India. Please click on the links given below to find list of management institutes in that particular state/UT/city. 6 ways to crack CAT with self preparation
Modern Office Management Institutes in Major Cities
Modern Office Management Institutes in Various States
The salary for office management and secretarial practice salary in India varies depending on the specific role, experience, and location. However, according to PayScale, the average salary for these jobs in India is ₹24,724 per month.
A diploma in office management can lead to a variety of career opportunities in the corporate sector. The salary for a diploma in office management varies depending on the specific role, experience, and location. According to PayScale, the average salary for a diploma in office management in India is ₹23,411 per month.
Whether or not office management is a good course for you depends on your individual goals and interests. If you are interested in a career in office administration or management, then a course in office management can be a good way to gain the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in this field.
There are many great courses available for office management, so it can be difficult to decide which one is the best for you. Here are a few of the most popular and well-respected courses:
Office management is the art and science of organizing and managing an office. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including filing, scheduling, correspondence, customer service, and office administration. Office managers play a critical role in any organization by helping to ensure that the office runs smoothly and efficiently.
Taking an office management course can help you learn the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in an administrative role. It can also help you develop your career and advance your professional opportunities. You can also gain a competitive edge in the job market and improve your organization, time management, and communication skills.
There are many different types of office management courses available. These courses can be offered in a variety of formats, including online, on-campus, and blended. Some of the most popular types of office management courses include:
The job prospects for office management jobs are good. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment of administrative assistants, including office managers, will grow 9% from 2020 to 2030, about as fast as the average for all occupations.
There are a few ways to become an office manager. One way is to complete an office management course. Another way is to gain experience in an administrative role. You can also get a bachelor’s degree in business administration or a related field.
The future of office management is bright. As businesses continue to grow and evolve, the need for skilled office managers will increase. Office managers will need to be able to use technology effectively, manage multiple tasks simultaneously, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends.
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