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IIT Roorkee - Special Courses


The special courses offered by IIT Roorkee are described below:

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IIT Rorkee Main Building. image Courtesy:

Alternate Hydronate Energy Centers (AHEC)

The AHEC – Alternate Hydronate Energy Center at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee runs under the aegis of Ministry of Non Conventional Energy Sources – Government of India. The center works for the development of Small Hydropower Projects (SHP) in hilly and plain region and development of decentralized energy systems in conjunction with other renewable energy sources like biomass, solar wind etc. The center undertakes the investigation, detailed project reports, engineering designs, techno economic analysis, field execution of small hydro projects, refurbishment of old and existing small hydropower houses and development of biomass and solar energy systems.

The AHEC offers Master of Technology (M.Tech.) courses in Alternate Hydro Energy Systems. The duration of this course is 4 semester. The course is open for engineers, technologists and scientists. The AHEC also offers two elective subjects on Renewable Energy to bachelor of engineering students of IIT Roorkee. A Ph.D. programme is also offered in the field of “Alternate Hydro Energy”. The institute also offers M.Tech. Programme in Environmental Conservation which is sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. For details, click here.


Continuing Education Center (CEC)

The continuing education center of IIT Roorkee plays a vital role by organizing refresher and specialist courses for in-service technical and professional persons.

The Centre conducts about 60 to 70 short term training programmes in Continuing Education every year in various disciplines of management, engineering, science and technology. A number of in-service professionals both from India and Abroad participates in these programs for enhancement of skills andexpertise. For details, click here.

Quality Improvement Programme Center (QIP)

The Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) Center started in 1971 under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India.Later in 1994 the center was transferred under the umbrella of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

The QIP Center strives to upgrade the teaching curricula and enhance the knowledge of teachers of various engineering colleges/institutions.The major objective of IITR QIP includes:

  • Degree Programme (M.Tech.and Ph.D.)
  • Short Term Courses
  • C.D.Cell Activities

This Centre has been assisting many institutions across the country by publishing technical literature in the form of text books, monographs, laboratory manuals etc.and also keeping regular interaction with them for improving the standards of technical education.Various departments at IITR are participating in the activities connected with the QIP scheme.The center also has been given the responsibility for undertaking activities related to the Technical Education, Vocational Training and Skill Development.

For more details on Quality Improvement Programme, click here.

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