A cooperative (“coop”) or co-operative (“co-op”) is formed when a group of people come together and voluntarily coordinate for their mutual social, economic, and cultural interest. The cooperative movement started in India to solve the issues of rural credit in its villages mainly.
Business management is a very diverse field with many areas of specialization. The growing need of the hour is for professionals to be experts in their respective domains who are competent in both knowledge and skill to meet the challenges that arise in the conduction of business in their particular line of work. For this reason the management of cooperative societies has been given a distinct place in the world of management studies.
The process of managing and developing co-operative enterprises is considerably different from the management of corporate enterprises or family-owned businesses. Even within co-operatives there is a range of different types with their own special requirements. The majority of diploma, degree and certification courses offered in India are geared towards providing students with holistic exposure to co-operative management. Thus, in their professional lives they would be able to manage a variety of co-operative organizations and enterprises. However there are also courses focusing on particular industries like industrial, agricultural, textile, novelty items etc.
To equip students with the right knowledge and tools to manage cooperatives institutions teach a number of subjects to them including
The vast majority of students who pursue qualifications in the management field make their careers in administration and management of cooperative organizations. They can also opt for specializing in specific aspects of the organizations such as HRM, accounts and finance, research, project development etc. Career options exist in the many co-ops formed in India for various sectors such as,
All India Handloom Fabrics Marketing Co-Operative Society
Anand Milk Federation Union Limited (Amul)
Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF)
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited
There are quite a few colleges/institutes offering co-operative management as a course.
National Council of Cooperative Training – New Delhi
Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management (VAMNICOM) – Pune
5 regional institutes at Bangalore, Chandigarh, Gandhinagar, Kalyani and Patna
14 other institutes situated in Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Dehradun, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Imphal, Jaipur, Kannur, Lucknow, Madurai, Nagpur, Pune and Thiruvananthapuram