ICSI has announced that students can now switch to the new cs executive syllabus. Students who pass the pre-examination can only change to the new syllabus.
The Institute of company secretaries in India (ICSI) has announced that students who enrolled for the 2017 syllabus of cs executive can now switch to a new syllabus containing 7 papers. Interested students can apply from April 10 by visiting the official website icsi.edu.
The first exam on the new syllabus will be held in December and those who switched to the new syllabus will not be able to switch over to2017 syllabus. Students can buy the ICSI executive study material (under the new syllabus) from the sales center of the institute at H0, Ros, Cos. Furthermore, ICSI has exempted students who are switching to the news syllabus from some papers.
Steps to apply for the new syllabus.
To complete the process, the candidate will have to pay RS 1,000 fees.
The test will be conducted online and will be of 100 marks: The question will be in MCQ form and a total of 50 questions over 60 minutes timespan will be asked. Qualifying Marks in each subject are 40 percent.
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