IIT Kharagpur Launches New 4-Year BS Programme with Six Specialisations

As part of IIT Kharagpur’s new 4-year BS programme, students interested in pursuing a Master of Science (MS) degree will now have the option to do so at the end of Semester 6. The programme has been designed in a way that enables students to complete semesters 7 and 8 in a manner that will allow them to earn their MS degree at the end of semester 10, which is the end of the fifth year.

IIT Kharagpur

In the academic year 2022, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur replaced its 5-year integrated MSc programme with a new 4-year BS programme in six specializations. The programme is now available in applied geology, chemistry, economics, exploration geophysics, mathematics and computing, and physics.

This new programme from IIT Kharagpur is aimed at providing students with a more focused and streamlined education in their chosen field of study. With a reduced duration of four years, students can graduate faster and start their careers earlier. Additionally, the programme also offers greater flexibility for students who wish to pursue further studies or research in their field.

Overall, this new BS programme from IIT Kharagpur is an exciting development that offers students the opportunity to receive a high-quality education in a more efficient and specialized manner.

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As part of IIT Kharagpur’s new 4-year BS programme, students interested in pursuing a Master of Science (MS) degree will now have the option to do so at the end of Semester 6. The programme has been designed in a way that enables students to complete semesters 7 and 8 in a manner that will allow them to earn their MS degree at the end of semester 10, which is the end of the fifth year.

This additional option provides students with greater flexibility and allows them to tailor their educational journey according to their interests and career goals. For students who wish to pursue further studies or research in their chosen field, the MS degree offers a valuable opportunity to deepen their knowledge and expertise.

Overall, the new BS programme from IIT Kharagpur is an excellent option for students who are looking for a focused and specialized education that prepares them for their career. With the added option of pursuing an MS degree, students can take their education to the next level and gain a competitive edge in the job market.

BS Programme at IIT Kharagpur

IIT Kharagpur’s 4-year BS programme offers six specializations that are spread across eight semesters. The first two semesters have a common curriculum covering 18 core subjects, including physics, chemistry, and programming. This approach ensures that all students at IIT Kharagpur have a strong foundation and necessary skills to excel in their chosen specialization.

Starting from semester 3, the curriculum of the 4-year BS programme at IIT Kharagpur undergoes significant changes. During semesters 3 and 4, students will be introduced to approximately 8 to 9 ‘depth core’ subjects. Semesters 5 and 6 will include seven to eight core subjects along with two elective subjects in semester 6.

In semester 7, students will have the opportunity to undertake a summer internship along with a project. The final semester, semester 8, consists mainly of elective and core subjects, as well as a project.

The new curriculum ensures that students at IIT Kharagpur receive a comprehensive education in their chosen field. The addition of elective subjects in the final semesters allows students to tailor their education and explore their interests in greater depth.

The academic year at IIT Kharagpur is divided into spring and autumn semesters, and candidates have the option to pursue an MS degree by the end of the third year of the BS course. This provides students with the opportunity to continue their education and specialize further in their field of study.

IIT Kharagpur BS Programme- Seat Matrix

Following are the number of seats offered by IIT Kharagpur last year:


Seat Capacity







Mathematics and Computing


Applied Geology


Exploration Geophysics


IIT Kharagpur: BS Programme Eligibility criteria

BS courses are admitted based on JEE Advanced scores and JOSSA counselling. Candidates must also have successfully completed class 12 or equivalent.

BS Programme - Career Scope

The BS programme in chemistry is tailored to graduates looking for a career in the fields of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, materials and devices, energy, healthcare and environment. For those enrolled in the physics degree, they can find job prospects in areas such as green energy, sustainable energy materials, photonics, terahertz technology/communications, quantum technology and communications, quantum open systems, flexible electronics, multifunctional materials and devicese smart energy for smart cities and smart healthcare.

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