The agency which functions under the aegis of the UN, is an autonomous inter-governmental organization.Atoms for Peace is the guiding principal. It aims to promote the peaceful uses of atomic energy and to ensure that the assistance provided by it or its request or under its supervision or control is not used in such a way as to further any military purposes. It also assists in research and application of atomic power for peaceful uses as the production of electric power in less developed countries. It promotes exchange of scientific and technical information, provides technical aid and supplies material and equipment
Headquarters: Vienna; Director General: Mohammed El Baradei (Egypt).
This agency aims to raise nutrition levels and living standards; secure improvements in production and to eliminate hunger. FAO works through a Conferences, a Council and Staff. FAO gives technical assistance to fisheries, forestry, nutrition, animal husbandry, poultry, irrigation, soil and water management, horticulture, dairying, seed production etc.
Headquarters: Rome; Director General: Jacques Diouf (Senegal)
The purpose of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security, by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, communication and culture in order to further justice, rule of law, and human rights and freedoms without distinctions of race, sex, language or religion. USA is not a member of UNESCO. UNESCO is governed by a General Conference, an Executive Board and a Secretariat.
UNESCO aims at providing basic education to all and improving its quality conducts conferences and smaller meetings on special subjects; gives assistance to non-governmental organizations and publishes books on wide range of topics. The idea is to promote international intellectual cooperation.
Headquarters: Paris; Director General: Koichiro Matsuura (Japan)
The main organs of WHO are the World Health Assembly, Executive Board, The Secretariat, and six Regional Committees. It aims at promoting the health of all people and works for eliminating diseases. It assists member countries in their efforts to improve their efforts to improve their national public health services, biological health standards of health. It encourages medical research.
WHO unifies, codifies, standardizes and transmits data and information concerning health statistics, biological standardization , public health and Laboratory Methods through official and technical publications.
WHO provides experts, consultants, professors and lecturers and awards and fellowships. The organization has successfully campaigned for education of malaria, tuberculosis and small pox.
WHO has been designated as the lead agency in the United Nations system to eradicate Acquired Emuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In close collaboration with UNDP and the pharmaceutical industry, it is striving hard to develop vaccines and drugs to checkmate AIDS spread.
Headquarters: Geneva; Director General: Ms. Gro Harlem Brundtland (Norway)
The World bank is a group of four institutions:- The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; International Finance Corporation; The International Development Association and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
It’s aim is to help in re-construction and development of economies of members by facilitating investment of capital; promoting foreign investment and supplementing private investment by providing loans for productive purposes out of its capital funds raised by it and its other resources; and to promote growth of international trade and equilibrium in balance of payments.
Headquarters: Washington D.C. ; Director General: James D. Wolfenson (USA)
International Development Association
IDA is an affiliate of the World Bank and has the same officers and staff as the bank. It concentrates its assistance on those countries with an annual per capita gross income of less than $ 520( 1975 rate) Its main objective is to help the underdeveloped nations in the task of raising their living standards.
Headquarters: Washington D.C. ; Director General: James D. Wolfenson (USA)
International Finance Corporation
An affiliate to the World Bank, IFC aims at further economic development by encouraging productive private enterprise in its member countries, particularly in the less developed areas. It is empowered to invest in private enterprises in association with private investors, and without Govt. guarantee of repayment in cases where sufficient private capital is not available on reasonable terms; and to bring together private capital and experienced management.
Headquarters: Washington D.C. ; Director General: James D. Wolfenson (USA)
Multilateral Investment Guarantee
The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency helps money to flow from private investors to developing countries even during war and civil disturbances. It does this by providing insurance to those who invest money in these countries. MIGA provides consultancy and advisory services also.
WMO aims to facilitate world wide cooperation to establish a network of stations and centers, for providing meteorological services and observations. It aims to promote the establishment of systems for quick exchange of weather information.
WMO encourages the application of meteorology to aviation, shipping, agriculture and other humanistic activities for economic development. It also promotes research and development in meteorology. It has recommended the establishment of a World Weather Watch (WWW) based on meteorological satellites and a system of world and regional centers. It has also started an international program for research in the light of developments in outer space.
Headquarters: Geneva. ; Director General: G.O.P. Obasi (Nigeria)
IMOs objectives are to provide a machinery for cooperation and exchange of information among governments on technical matters affecting shipping; to ensure the achievement of the highest practicable standards of maritime safety and efficient navigation. IMO has a special responsibility for safety of life at sea.
IMO also aims at removing discriminatory actions and unnecessary restrictions by Governments. IMO considers matters concerning shipping when referred to it by the UN.
Headquarters: London. ; Secretary General: William A. O’Neil (Canada)
GATT is the only treaty setting rules for world trade. Its functions are to ease trade barriers and establish rules of fair trade. In recent years GATT has made special efforts to develop international and has also given particular emphasis on increase of export trade of developing countries. It has since been replaces by WTO in 1995.
Headquarters: Geneva.
United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund
UNICEF is the only distinctive inter governmental organization concerned with children welfare. Supported entirely by voluntary contributions from governments and individuals, UNICEF helps children all over the world. It is governed by a 30 nation executive council.
Headquarters: New York. ; Executive Director : Ms. Carol Bellamy
UNDP helps developing countries increase the wealth-producing capabilities of their natural and human resources by providing experts for training to the local people.
Headquarters: New York. ; Director General: Mark M. Brown
UNEP provides machinery for international cooperation in matters relating to the human environment.
Headquarters: Nairobi
UNFPA aims at systematic promotion of population programmes and in extending systematic and sustained population assistance to developing countries and helps them in dealing with the population problems.
Headquarters: New York. ; Executive Director : Ms. Nafis Sadik
The office of the high commission of refugees aims at providing international protection for refugees and seeks permanent solution to their problems through voluntary repatriation, migration to other countries or local integration, besides taking special humanitarian tasks.
The office of the UNHCR was the recipient of Noble Peace Prize for 1981 second time first was in 1954 for resettling European refugees after world war II.
Headquarters: Geneva. ; High Commissioner: Ruud Lubbers
UNIDO promotes industrialization in less developed nations with particular emphasis on manufacturing sector. UNIDO programs also include Special Industrial Service (SIS) designed to supplement other assistance. UNIDO helps solve urgent industrial problems at short notice, and on flexible terms. Five priority areas on behalf of UNIDO have been fixed in response of needs and demands of developing countries. Theses are: strengthening of national capacity and effectiveness, particularly in human resources development; promotion of international competitiveness in industry; more effective international industrial cooperation in the promotion of foreign investment and technological transfer as well as in regional and sub-regional cooperation; development rehabilitation and promotion of the private sector especially small scale industry; and lastly ecologically sustainable industrial development.
Headquarters: Vienna ; Director General: Mauricio Maria J. Compos
IMF aims at promoting international monetary cooperation and expansion of international trade; promoting exchange rate stability and avoiding competitive exchange depreciation; assisting in the establishment of multilateral system of payment in respect of currency transactions between members and in the elimination of foreign restrictions.
IMF has a board of governors, executive directors and a managing director. All powers of the funds are vested in the board. It may delegate any of its powers to to the executive directors, except the power to admit or suspend members, approve a revision of quota or a uniform change in the par value of members’ currencies, determine the distribution of the fund’s net income and decide to liquidate the fund.
Headquarters: Washington D.C. ; Managing Director : Horst Koehler
ICAO’s purpose is to study problems of international civil aviation and establish international standards and regulations. It promotes safety of international civil aviation,provides statistical and economic information for governments and airlines, works to reduce the red tape of customs formalities, and helps developing countries benefit from air transport ICAO encourages using safety measures, uniform regulations and use of new technical methods and equipment. It has evolved a pattern of meteorological services, better traffic control, communication, radio beacons and ranges, search and rescue operations and other facilities required for safe international flights. ICAO lends technical assistance, especially to developing countries to train personals in civil aviation. It has simplified customs, immigration and public health regulations as they apply to international air transport. ICAO is responsible for drafting international air conventions and the economic aspects of international air transport.
Headquarters: Montreal; Secretary General: Renato Claudio Costar Pereira (Brazil)
UPU aims at forming a single postal territory of countries for exchange of correspondence, organizing and improving postal services and promoting international collaboration. Thus, members agree to send the mail of all other members by the best means used for sending their own mail. UPU makes provisions for inter nation postal services.
The principal organs of UPU are Universal Postal Congress, the Chief Council, The Consultative Committee for Postal Studies and The International Buerau.
Secretary General: Thomas E. Levi (USA)
ITU is responsible for regulating, Coordinating and Planning all types of international telecommunication, including space communication. ITU promotes the improvement, extension and rational use of rational use of telecommunication services if telephone, telegraph space and aeronautical telecommunication, broadcasting and television with a view to making them generally available to all countries.
ITU is particularly concerned with the development of new techniques such as space communication. It endeavors to promote standardization in tele-communication. It fosters the creation, development and improvement of telecommunications in newly independent and developing countries.
Headquarters: Geneva ; Secretary General: Pekka Tarjanne
ESCAP is a regional commission of the UN Economic and Social Council. The commission seeks to promote economic development of Asia and far east countries by promoting better social, economic education and health conditions of the countries by promoting better social, economic, education and health conditions of the countries in this region.
Headquarters: Bangkok
Membership of WIPO is open to any state which is a member of UN or is invited to join it by the General Assembly of WIPO. The objectives of WIPO are: to promote intellectual property throughout the world; to ensure administrative cooperation among the Unions established by various treaties for the protection of intellectual property.
The convention provides legal technical assistance at request of states. WIPO performs the administrative tasks of international treaties, dealing with intellectual properties.
Headquarters: Geneva ; Secretary General: D. Kamil Idris
IFAD is a Dollar 1 Billion fund which is used for raising food production in developing countries, employing poor an landless farmers and reducing malnutrition in the third world countries. The fund is a major joint project of the industrialized countries, the petroleum exporting developing countries and the recipient developing countries. The industrialized nations have made a contribution of $ 600 million and the OPEC nations $ 400 million to this fund.
Headquarters: Rome; Secretary General: Fawzi H. Al-Sultan (Kuwait)
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