Famous Industrial Towns
Town | Industry |
Ahmedabad (India) | Cotton Textile Industry |
Anshan (China) | Iron and Steel Industry |
Bangkok (Thailand) | Shipping |
Belfast (Irland) | Shipbuilding |
Birminghum (UK) | Iron and Steel Industry |
Buenos Aires (Argentina) | Dairying |
Cadiz (Spain) | Cork |
Kolkata (India) | Jute Industry |
Changchun (China) | Automobiles and Machine Tools Industry |
Chelyabinsk (Russia) | Iron & Steel and Machine Tools Industry |
Chicago (USA) | Iron and Steel Industry and Meat Packing |
Dhaka (Bangladesh) | Muslin |
Darjeeling (India) | Tea Processing |
Detroit (USA) | Automobile Industry |
Dundee (Scotland) | First Jute Mill; Linen Manufacturing |
Dresden (Germany) | Optical and Photographic apparatus |
Dusseldorf (Germany) | Iron and Steel and Engineering Industry |
Essen (Germany) | Iron and Steel and Engineering Industry |
Firozabad (India) | Glass Industry |
Glasgow (Scotland) | Iron and Steel and Shipbuilding and Machinery Manufacturer |
Gorky (Russia) | Engineering Industry |
Havana (Cuba) | Cigars |
Hollywood (USA) | Films |
Jamshedpur (India) | Iron and Steel Industry |
Johannesburg (South Africa) | Gold Mining |
Kansas City (USA) | Meat Packing |
Kawasaki (Japan) | Iron and Steel Industry |
Kharkov (Ukraine) | machine Building and Engineering Industry |
Kiev (Ukraine) | Engineering Industry |
Kimberley (South Africa) | Diamond Mining |
Kobe (Japan) | Iron and Steel and Engineering Industry |
Krivio Rog (Ukraine) | Iron and Steel and Engineering Industry |
Leeds (UK) | Woolen Textile Industry |
Leningrad (Russia) | Shipbuilding and Automobile Industry |
Los Angles (USA) | Petroleum and Films |
Lyons (France) | Silk Industry |
Magnitogorsk (Russia) | Iron and Steel Industry |
Manchester (UK) | Cotton and Textile |
Milan (Italy) | Silk Textile Industry |
Munich (Germany) | Lenses |
Nagoya (Japan) | Cotton Textiles, Shipbuilding and Engineering Industry |
New Orleans (USA) | Cotton And Textile |
New Castle (UK) | Coal Mining and Iron and Steel Industry |
Nizhny Tagil (Russia) | Iron and Steel Industry |
Osaka (Japan) | Iron and Steel and Engineering Industry |
Philadelphia (USA) | Locomotive Industry |
Pittsburgh (USA) | Iron and Steel Industry |
Plymouth (UK) | Shipbuilding |
Rourkela (India) | Iron and Steel Industry |
Sheffield (UK) | Cutlery |
Singapore | Trading port |
Tula (Russia) | Iron and Steel Industry |
Venice (Italy) | Glass Industry |
Vienna (Austria) | Glass Industry |
Vladivostok (Russia) | Shipping |
Wellington (New Zealand) | Dairying |
Zurich (Switzerland) | Light Engineering Industry |
Changed Names of Cities/States
Old Name | New Name | Old Name | New Name |
Abyssinia | Ethiopia | Madagaskar | Malagasy |
Angora | Ankara | Madras | Chennai |
Aurangabad | Sambhaji Nagar | Malaya | Malaysia |
Banaras | Varanasi | Manchukuo | Manchuria |
Baroda | Vadodara | Mesopotamia | Iraq |
Batavia | Djakarta | New Hebrides | Vanuatu |
Basutoland | Lesotho | Northern Rhodesia | Zambia |
Bechuanaland | Botswana | Nyasaland | Malawi |
Bhatinda | Bathinda | Ooty | Udhagamandalam |
Bombay | Mumbai | Panjim | Panaji |
British Guiana | Guyana | Peking | Beijing |
Burma | Myanmar | Petrograd | Leningrad |
Calcutta | Kolkata | Persia | Iran |
Calicut | Kozhikode | Palghat | Palakkad |
Cap Canaveral | Cape Kennedy | Poona | Pune |
Cawnpore | Kanpur | Quilon | Kollam |
Central Provience | Madhya Pradesh | Rangoon | Yangon |
Ceylon | Sri Lanka | Rhodeshia | Zimbabwe |
Christina | Oslo | Saigon | Ho Chi Minh Ciry |
Cochin | Kochi | Salisbury | Harare |
Constantinople | Istanbul | Sandwich Islands | Hawaiian Islands |
Dacca | Dhaka | Siam | Thailand |
Dahomey | Benin | Simla | Shimla |
Duch East Indies | Indonesia | South West Africa | Namibia |
Duch Guiana | Surinam | Spanish Guinea | Equatorial Guinea |
United Arab Republic | Arab Republic of Egypt | Stalingrad | Volgograd |
Ellice Island | Tuvalu | Tanganyika and Zanzibar | Tanzania |
Formosa | Taiwan | Tanjor | Thanjavur |
Gauhati | Guwahati | Trichur | Thrissur |
Gold Coast | Ghana | Trivandrum | Tiruvananthapuram |
Holland | The Netherlands | United Provience | Uttar Pradesh |
Ivory Cost | Cote D’Ivoire | Upper Volta | Burkina Faso |
Jubbulpore | Jabalpur | Vizagapattanam | Visakhapatanam |
Jullundur | Jalandhar | Zaire | Republic of Congo |
Leopoldville | Kinshasa |
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